I geolocated one of Carter Banks’s (BigBankz) latest silly urbex videos. I couldn’t find clear location hints in this video. Thankfully, a video commenter gave it away.
This video is of a place called Wedding Present Farm, also known as Blackburn Mansion:
It’s parcel 4.38 on this tax map:

Fitting the pattern, the “we hike deep into the woods”, “cult”, and “abandoned” are fabrications to create mystery and drama.
He admits early in the video that the cult thing is phony: his “extensive research” turned up nothing about the cult (direct reference). Also, nothing he came across in the homes would be cult-like material.
As for the hike deep into in the woods, yet more phony drama. The mansion is about 150 feet past the end of Blackburn Road!

It’s not abandoned. It was renovated 15 years ago, the property is clearly being mowed, and he found electricity on in multiple buildings.
Remove the fabrications and the silly, mysterious tone, and you’re simply seeing a property that may be hard to sell.
Here’s some drone videos of the property from a few years ago:
Where is it located? What is the asking price? Who do I contact?
Oh, it is in NY. Never mind.
1550 River Rd, Coeymans, NY 12045
Yes, I saw another urbex video with similar claims linking it to some family of Johnson’s who supposedly were oil producers and created a cult, and whose unscrupulous business practices lead to scandal…
I wanted to know more about them, because I had never heard of it, so went on a search that turned up nothing like that. I see no link to anyone with the Johnson surname. The last people I find that lived there were the Blackburns who passed away in the 90s. I haven’t been able to find out anything more recent.
Is it for sale?